The Kindness thread! <3

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by derp_duckie, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. I know everyone is going through something at one point and I've been through it, I'm going through it, we've all been through it. Sadness, depression, and unwanted negativity is something that comes and goes, but there is something at the end of the tunnel. If you are going through a bad day, a bad week, or just something you really need to talk about, just please message me in game or on the forums. I try to give out the best advice and just give a small hug if I can. No one deserves pain, bullying, or a bad day. So yee that's one part of the thread.

    Okie, now to the actual thread part! lol. Post anything positive! A kind quote, a nice compliment about someone on EMC or irl, anything really to lift up someone's mood! GIFS, memes, videos, or anything is really welcome, make sure it is EMC appropriate and can make someone possibly smile. Talk about your day, and if you feel comfortable with it, tell us what is bothering you. I know tons of people will comment on your bad day or anything to be honest. <3

    Okie I know I'm such a bad writer lol, but yeee. Just trying to spread some love and kindness around!

    - <3 derp
    586, SkeleTin007, luckycordel and 2 others like this.
  2. bump- smile =)
  3. My preferred program for chatting is Hangouts. Everyone in the Netherlands uses WhatsApp, but I haven't got a smartphone, so I cannot do that. I need to get my friends and family to use Hangouts. ;)
    On Hangouts there are different styles of stickers, like Bunnies, Santa Clauses, or Aliens.
    The best, however, are the Penguins. When I'm feeling really good or really bad; more importantly, when I'm feeling really intimate with the person I'm talking with, we tend to use the Penguin stickers. :)
    Here are some.

    They just radiate such warmth and love. <3
  4. Hello to all! ^-^
    luckycordel likes this.
  5. Another Great Day! :D
  6. Kindness will make all the difference so share a smile once in a while :)
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. Free hugs! hehe
    607 likes this.
  8. Thanks! :D <3
  9. It's a new day with new opportunities and a fresh start :)
    607 likes this.
  10. For me the day isn't new anymore, and the start not fresh... It's almost 3 PM, and I'm quite tired. But I have been doing quite some work, and I'd like to do a little more. I hope that won't turn out badly.