The Auto. Nether Wart Farm building service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by pateraterick, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Hello EMC, this is The Auto. Nether Wart Farm building service!
    It is 800r to make one!
    If you want to supply me with material it is only 700r!

    Materials needed
    2 stacks of blocks (dirt, cobble etc)
    One stacks of redstone dust
    12 soulsand
    12 netherwarts
    2 redstone torches
    2 pistonS (normal)
    1 button
    64 torches
    Or 4 glow stones
    1 sign
    Please order below!
  2. Hey if it's in town I am interested just tell me what time you can build it.
  3. Nether wart will not grow in the over-world/town; it will only grow in the Nether.
  4. What exactly is an Auto Netherwart Farm? Can you enlighten me a bit more?
  5. I'll have one, SMP3, if you can come on contact me from there or start a PM with me :).
  6. I'll have one, SMP3, if you can come on contact me from there or start a PM with me :).
  7. It would be better if there were streams of water to carry the netherrack to a central collection area.
  8. You don't need me if you can find etho's design!
  9. Do you want me to delete my post?
  10. Pateraterick, i'll have a nether farm please.
  11. Nop, I'm fine with that!
  12. Sure! Do you want it on smp8? I will be on in an hour! Do you have the material?
  13. Well you have to tell them the materials....
    Curundu likes this.