That Time An Enderdragon Wrecked Your Town.......

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Zomberina, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. So, I have a personal server for my family and I to play on. It's a basic place, that's why I come to EMC for adventure and community. BUT, now and then I have a friend on with me to shamelessly show off a few of my builds. Last night....o.m.g.

    There is a backstory to the headline on this thread. See, my family and I will play "Survive the Night". Essentially, you build a fortress and I, the dungeon master, launch an assault against it after three days and see if you survive. Anyway, one occasion, everyone wanted to try an enderdragon against their keep. It glitched. It just stayed outside the castle walls kinda floating in the air.

    Needless to say we got a lot of cool selfies and build pictures. HAHAHA When we were done, it just disappeared after awhile from what we assumed was despawn.....

    Fast forward to last night. Had a friend come on for a tour of the builds and meet a few people. Let this friend go ahead and build a house in our village for visiting sake. At one point, this friend asked to be put in survival mode with the idea that since our village was built in survival, so should the new residence. House was built without a hitch. Terraformed some of the area to look more pleasing. Had a buddy of mine come on to meet the guest and figure out what to do about a lava mountain landslide my ten year old had poured across our rail system.

    Then it happened. Across my screen came frantic text, and the sentence that stuck out was:

    "There is an enderdragon in town!"

    So, kids, this is what happens when you play "Survive the Night" FOUR months earlier and make the assumption that the glitched enderdragon despawned.....

    We found a way to keep this and named it "Squid Falls" ^^^^^^^^^^^^

    This is has a new new falls name as well now. It's Fudged Up Beyond Repair Falls. ^^^^^^^^^

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Swiss Cheese anyone? vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

    This building front is the first strike zone. Took out the bar and wood museum....

    Kinda pretty all at the same time.

    Nose dived through water and rock to the bedrock layer below... crazy.

    Half way finished terraforming the area.

    Final result of "repair" we could do. Some of it was just too much. Sooo, it's almost like a renovation we didn't know we wanted hahaha

    As you can see, we fixed a lot. We also LAUGHED a lot. I think this was one of my most memorable MC moments. And yeah, I totally made sure to send my first time visiting friend a hefty thank you in digital coin. ;) We must have worked on repair for a good two hours after chasing that thing down for thirty minutes of dragony rampage.
  2. Wow! I haven't built anything on my server since my computer crashed a few years ago... Lost all my worlds....
    Zomberina likes this.

  3. This was our very naive picture taking adventure 4 months ago....

    Town prior to the rampage...

    ***Ancient, I know that feeling. I have a world we lost too. So much build hurts. But, it is also opportunity to go at it again.
    AncientTower likes this.
  4. /kill @e[type=ender_dragon]

    That command might be very useful to keep around ;)

    Awesome story! Guess that ender dragon decided to turn into a cave mining dragon and took 4 months to gather enough resources and energy before it relaunched its attack :p
    Zomberina likes this.
  5. Thank you for that code! We were so desperate trying to keep it in one area I couldn't switch screens to look up the coding. Though, I must say the adventure of it was hysterical fun. And yeah, he definitely picked the perfect time to show back up. Nothing like welcoming a friend to visit and have said friend's home destroyed a few hours later. :D
    ShelLuser likes this.