Thank you (A Reflection)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ElfinPineapple, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. When I first joined EMC as a baby pineapple I was two days away from graduating college with a Bachelors degree in Political Science. Seven and a half months later, right in the middle of a summer program and the second job of my life, I would get a message from Krysyy offering a position on the staff team. Little did I know it would end up being one of the greatest things to have occurred in my life thus far.

    In the nearly two years since that time I’ve worked in 4 different jobs outside of EMC, three of them simultaneously, while pursuing a Masters degree in Public Administration that I will graduate with in a little over 25 days. Being a glutton for punishment an overachiever, the program was intentionally made more difficult to challenge myself. Add three concurring jobs of various capacities (Sometimes four), and you can imagine the fireworks to follow for a couple years.

    But in spite of all the stress that came with it, EMC, and you all, were always one of the most reliable escapes over the last couple of years. Some days I may have been wearing my staff hat. Other days I may not have. But whether I was wearing it was irrelevant. What made it so amazing was you all.

    Some of the best, and worst, days of my entire life have occurred in the last three years that I have been a member EMC. But in spite of all the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that occurred, I have always enjoyed not only the community at large, but serving you and playing alongside you.

    While I am still very much a player at heart, there is very few things I love more than taking the time to make sure your experiences on EMC are above and beyond what is considered excellence. I’ve helped hundreds of players during this time and have gotten so many thank you’s that I can no longer keep count.

    However, it is I who should be thanking you. Thank you for being the wonderful community you are. Thank you for all the support you had given during the more difficult times as well as the friendly corrections when I derped on a thread, and even in chat, and didn't realize it (Trust me - it's happened). I journey into the unknown on May 12th, with a dream and a drive to get to it, but the path to get there remains foggy and unclear. I'm uncertain, and even nervous, of what the future holds for me. I look forward to it anyways.

    Nonetheless, it has been a wonderful 3+ years being on this server, with almost two of those years as a staff member. I look forward to having many more alongside you all.

    Thanks for being awesome and for letting me ramble here.


    FTR: Just to be clear (on the offchance I wasn't earlier). I have no plans of leaving EMC or my staffy hat anytime soon.
  2. Gg and glad you met EMC
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I never knew pineapples could get a Master's degree :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I'm not one to bump things very often. But considering this was posted at 2 AM a couple weeks back I'll bring it back up to the front again. :)
    Equinox_Boss and TuqDufRhySmp8 like this.
  5. thank you for helping me with that rando RTS and me being incompetent with minecraft, good luck my good friend :D
    Faithcaster and WardleDeBoss like this.