Testing mob xp but TEXP not updating

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Esrik, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Hiya folks, I am testing a xp farm and would like to ask two questions regarding mob xp and TEXP:

    1. If I place a lava block and it damages a mob before I kill it, will the mob drop a reduced amount of xp? This wiki page says "If a monster dies when most of the inflicted damage wasn't caused by a player, it will drop a reduced amount of XP."

    2. I have tried several times to test question #1 by killing a single mob and then checking my TEXP on the website. No mending items were used and I observed my green xp bar increasing. I have waited over an hour between kills but my TEXP is not updating. Is there another way to see how much xp I have, or how much xp a mob has dropped?
  2. 1. It is exactly what wiki says there, emphasis on MOST of the damage. Exactly where is the break line for the "most damage" requires testing. Never been interested into doing it to find out, but I would assume, it's not worth to damage them with any other means, besides player damage, if xp is what you are looking for.
    2. Have you tried to disconnect off the server for TEXP to update?
    Esrik and AlexC__ like this.
  3. Disconnecting from the server worked, thanks for the suggestion.
    EvilBlo likes this.