[Survey] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MrSocks75, Jun 2, 2024.


Mob Arena should...

Stay the same 2 vote(s) 16.7%
Change to no lost items and prizes awarded to winners 7 vote(s) 58.3%
Other (Comment below) 3 vote(s) 25.0%
  1. This is my own interest. Cannot guaranty anything will come from this but it is something I started working on prior to my hiatus. All that code was lost but that means I can make more community focused changes if that is what is desired.

    I want Mob Arena to be fun without the necessary risk to personal items which is how it has been from the start (yes, I know we have the no items rounds but not the same.) I want winners being those who kill the most mobs as apposed to last player standing. Active mob fighting vs running in circles was the original idea of Mob Arena and it would be great to see that again.

    I want more than anything to hear from the community on how to make Mob Arena more fun and more interesting to newer players. We can discuss other games in the future if wanted.

    Please discuss!

  2. I can seem to recall at one point you lost your stuff if you died. And then all the stuff ended up in chests in a room by the side of the arena. The winner would go and and take what he wanted and when that person was done all the hangers on could go in and take the rest. This included mob drops too. Am I nuts? That was my favorite way of doing it.
  3. I always liked the high risk, high reward feeling the event had over other more casual ones. You went into that chamber knowing the risks of the event but if you were the last one standing, you could reap so much rewards it was ridiculous. You could walk out with so many sets of armor, boss items, shiny flesh/arrows, drag frags (lol, remember thinking those were valuable and would have a purpose?) Hell, I even remember seeing promo items in there available from those thinking they would gain an advantage by using those.

    That magic would be 100% lost if there was no consequence and keep inventory was a thing. At that point, all you have done is make a manual mob farm. You can easily achieve that same effect in the Wilderness or any other Wasteland just by going out and fighting mobs. You can have rounds of whatever game rules enabled, but there must the main event must be an actual event, not mob farming simulator.
  4. I have two stances, Lately im more of a casual player, so keep inventory on it’s useful for that since I can just login hop on and enjoy the 20 minutes or so of mob arena. However I do agree that now it is kind of like plant vs zombies, where you want to survive the most, rather than a movie style gladiator arena.

    following is a brainstorm of random ideas, even if they are not feasible / not that related

    To implement gear/skill based rewards - without risk to personal items, then provide the items. Something like kit pvp. Where you can select archer, warrior, etc. and use a predetermined set based on the skill you want. It’s an option, but the value/time needed to implement something like this probably not worth it.

    if you played super smash, the Pokémon arenas where they shifted, it would be interesting feature to spice things up (or just have more arenas compared to just a box room. Being able to use the terrain in the battlefield is always fun

    being able to “team up” like an adventurer party, and points count toward the team. That way the tank gets same rewards as dps. Or just some sort of team play, like blue vs red, who ever gets the most kills or survives the longest.

    To whatever it changes to, it shouldn’t be a static change, right now you are able to customize for keep inventory on/off, item rounds, etc. and possibly themed monster waves, it should keep that same versatility

    Supercell’s new game, squadbusters basically randomizes the game mode each round and it always has 1 or 2 variations. So like if you have 3 game modes, and 3 variations (general enough that can be applied to the game modes), that’s 9 different games that people can play.

    a variation can be as simple as everyone has speed 5 and everyone is zooming. mob arena: Zooming Wars - bees vs zooming players 4example. Another variation would be, mending enchant doesn’t work for that round.

    a different way for a score system would be “coins/emeralds” Zelda style. Each mob is of a specified tier, and tier 1 mobs drop on emerald while tier 3 drops 10, that way, you can measure the difficulty of the mob rather than just last hit kills. These emeralds aren’t for loot, but just point count. -> if kits, you could use these / or tokens to unlock more kits.

    Now away from my crazy ideas

    instead of keep inventory, maybe a 2000 token fee to recover the items you died with. The items would no longer go to the winners chest. If you don’t reclaim them 7 days they disappear. They get returned via /mail? Or just as a chest UI ], depends if /mail is allowed in /games, don’t remember
    (The idea is for this to be an item sink, so that the gear economy moves a bit, but can get your items back)

    i think server generated rewards/mob drops would be best, with maybe the possibility to unlock gear specific to mob arena, even if it’s just a wearable banner for “mob arena champions.

    Idea for server generated gear. Combine the custom enderpearl’s timers, the items that disappears, with “OP” gear. If you win you get a gear voucher, that can be used to obtain a piece of gear that only exist for 5 minutes of irl time.

    I think there should be some way to “upgrade stuff” / obtain custom items

    even if current meta is running around avoiding monsters, would like to still allow for that strategy. Like the change shouldn’t necessarily eliminate the possibility for that strategy to win
    VoidDistortion and MrSocks75 like this.
  5. i never actuly played mob arena but i tink there shut be set armor ronds with standart kits and rounds with own armor but it would be fun if there where rounds with mobs that would extra points becouse they would be harder also credit for if u dint geus the last hit maybe it shut partialy becalculated how mutch damitch u do and for harder mobs u get more points per damitch
    MrSocks75 likes this.
  6. I need the Kindergarten setting for keeping items on.

    I am intrigued by the idea of the "kit only" round. Being given items equal to other players would put everyone on an equal footing and I might try that.

    I think that there is high demand for the "lose everything/win everything" style for some of the players, as you can see from the above posts. I don't have any idea for improving how those would work, sorry.

    Having different styles and different events sounds just fine to me.

    One note, I would love for the observation area to be improved. Maybe see through barriers and lower the players a block or 2 to make it easier to see their action.
    KryptoNerd, MrSocks75 and Tuqueque like this.
  7. I like the item rounds where you lose items. Not just because I have a collection of swords I like to add on to but selling the gear is a good way to gain rupees rewards the player that endured the longest. But the lossless item rounds also are good for players that want to play without losing everything and no item round for quick rounds too. I remember I'd get I think 5k every win I got a few years ago.
    VoidDistortion and MrSocks75 like this.
  8. Still looking for more feedback. The comments and suggestions thus far have been really great and I have some greaterest ideas as a result.
    DreamyFeather and Tuqueque like this.
  9. If someone is afraid of losing their stuff they can just do the no items rounds like in the olden days.