Why is it that Iron Supporters can not have 2 residences and golds have 3. Why is it that it goes from 2 straight to 4 with diamond supporters. I know that The Mods, Senior staff, Staff, and Owners have more things on there mind right now since 1.3 came out. But as a thought in the future to give all Supporters multiple residences even Irons.
Makes sense.If you're suggesting them to add the residences like : User:1,Iron:2,Gold:3 and Diamond:4 why not put it in the suggestion box?
I would actually get Iron if it gave 2 res Gold and Diamond are too expensive (For an unemployed person like me) and it doesn't give anything that I'd want besides more residences and hiding from map.
i was thinking but if they gave all supporters multiple residences then they would have to make something different from iron to gold instead of just another residence
There in lies your answer. That 5-10$ jump difference only includes 400r and 1 res if what you suggest is approved. As a former gold I think that that is not worth it and I think that becoming an Iron saves money and still gives you a ton of value. Also it would probably open up the Utopia wild/nether/residences to Iron as well as the only reason Diamond and Gold have access to it is because they can have more than one res making it not a silly idea to have a store on the most underpopulated (next to smp6) server.
I Forgot About Utopia and they could just keep that to diamonds and gold as an incentive for the extra money being donated
I also forgot about the rupee difference in it pretty much just doubled in what Buiscutboy said above.
The reason, at least I thought, that Diamond members got upgraded to four instead of three is because of this: You could pay $20 for diamond on one account and get 3 residences. OR, you could have two minecraft names, donate $10 on each for gold, and get 4 residences. Of course, not everyone has 2 minecraft accounts.
Signatures with videos are annoying. Diamond is 2x gold with regard to money paid to EMC, and bonuses gotten (pretty much). Gold is 2x Iron (sorta). The main benefit of Iron supporter is extra rupees and guaranteed login (well, and a number of other benefits I am not going to mention because I am too lazy to look them up).
With how little people are on now, it seems EVERYONE is guaranteed a spot.. Iron's main thing is more rupees and being able to hide from the live map. No second res is needed.