Suggestions!!!!!! Please

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CliffCraft, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Hello EMC Community!
    CliffCraft here asking for your suggestions on what type of fun thing i should do next! any and all suggestions will be taken in account and will probably happen.

    what i have ready in my belt:
    Parkour Courses
    Horse Track(may still have access to it)
    /wild events
    /wasteland events
    /games (pvp)
    or any other suggestion you have just post it in the comments here and i'll see what you can come up with!
  2. all of these of course will have some sort of prize/giveaway
  3. Iceboat
    CliffCraft likes this.
  4. Bumping? I never heard of that game, how is it played? (sorry, sorry, it was stronger than me :D)

    Sometimes the old classics can be a lot of fun. There was this SMP2 clubhouse residence (on SMP2 obviously) made by ElfinCarrot and when it opened several of us gathered there to chat, goof around and have some fun. All of a sudden we found ourselves playing hide and seek. And it was fun!
    CliffCraft likes this.
  5. spleef (I’m planning to make it an off server event)
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