[Suggestion] Upgarding Gold and Iron, Plus new Supporter Rank

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by BrickStrike, Sep 12, 2013.


Should this be added?

Poll closed Oct 3, 2013.
Yes! Sounds great! 8 vote(s) 30.8%
Yes, but it could use some more tweaking. 10 vote(s) 38.5%
No, I don't think this should be added. 8 vote(s) 30.8%
Other (please respond) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Correction: 99999999999r/second instead of day. Good?

    Attached Files:

  2. Non. J'aime.
  3. *bump*
    Just a note: most of the time I bump, I do not do poems xD
  4. things don't see it to be worth to buy like being a supporter... not worth it (I would...for one month)....
  5. Hmm, I was browsing the suggestions forum when I noticed this. I don't get the purpose of the extra supporter rank. It pretty much has lower options than iron, and yet has some of the same perks as gold and diamond. It seems to me like this suggestion would just cause confusion and is unnecessary. The supporter ranks are fine as they are. And I see a lot of people saying diamond isn't fair... Lol.

    In my opinion, you get what you pay for. I've always thought people saying supporter was unfair was a tad bit ridiculous. It's there to support the server, and the fact that normal players think it isn't fair, doesn't make sense. You either pay for it, and get it, or you don't, and remain normal. Nothing fair or unfair about it. xP I say this knowing that many people don't have money for it... but that's life. I can't afford it for more than a month at a time myself. I've never found it unfair... that's how life is. Any freebies you get will be worth their price...

    So I disagree with this suggestion... but I do think it wouldn't hurt to give iron 1 or 2 more small perks. I hope my post doesn't seem rude or offensive, I'm just telling my honest opinion. xP
  6. One thing I never see referenced is the "snowball effect." Requests for new ranks occur continually, but no one has ever realized that if we add one we will have to add more. If we add redstone rank, why not a coal supporter who only has map hide - for $2 a month. Then we'd have to add diamond coated to any rank so players could fly in utopia for 50 cents extra. Inevitably, someone would suggest buying staff status...which would completely toss our servers credibility out the door. And remember of course, the DONATIONS are what keep us running. They aren't subscriptions.
    trent948 and Dwight5273 like this.
  7. Donation
    1. Something that is given to a charity, esp. a sum of money.

    1. The action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something.

    I agree with you on everything else, but they are most definitely subscriptions.
  8. But now I would have to $15 to get a shiny Gold name.:(