Hey guys, wolff here!So, with my "Iron Club," service, I have people pay for an entrance, then they get cheap iron. With that, I don't know if they are buying cheap iron or the entrance fee. Many shops, events, etc. can use this.Example of How it works:*Shop Sign**Chest**"[REASON]" Sign*
I really don't think it's needed, because you have a few alternatives: Just check your rupee history. It'll say if they bought iron for 1r or 100r. Have players pay you manually with a payment reason. It will show in your history. Put 265-Entry Fee on the last line. This will sell iron for 100r and explain what the cost is for.
For membership and 2 DC of free iron ingots I will build you a system to automatically read the history and tell you since it was last run who bought memberships and even at any time what level the iron was at.