Purpose: let other players without admin be able to see what are the locations of the res this command will list in the chat for the player all the res locations This will let the player see the locations and if he want to he will /v ##### location_name Privacy concerns: This won't damage the owner's privacy if he has some secret top's because aikar added a few updates ago the the location with ! that are for admins only it would be like this... /res loc rename oldname !newname
Sorry, but I don't see this happening. I wouldn't want anyone to know what, how many and the names of any of my res locations if I don't give them out and can't see others wanting that either. It may be possible to do 'something' similar in the future with an option for the res owner/admin to set a list of public locations but we are currently working on more important things at this time.
It's better to be opt in than opt out. How would you even cleanly opt out of letting people see em (even the public ones). Easier to just give them a list on a sign or so at start of res if you want them to know about them.