[Suggestion] "Lava Sponge"

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Cyberazaz101, Nov 3, 2020.


Lava Sponge?

Yay 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Nay 4 vote(s) 80.0%
Mega Yay 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Mega Nay 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Ultra Giga Hyper Gargantuan Epic Yay 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Ultra Giga Hyper Gargantuan Epic Nay 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Greetings my fellow EMCers. I come with a very original idea that totally hasn't been suggested ever before by anyone and is no way ever added in any mods ever.

    Irony aside, I have been working for a while on draining lava in the Nether using the good ol' method of gravel/sand filling. While this method certainly works, it's dreadfully slow and takes a ton of resources (ie: a ton of sand/gravel). That's where this idea comes in, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to...

    It's very beautiful I know.

    Just like how normal sponges "soak" water in a ~4 block radius around it,
    the Lava Sponge would work in a similar fashion. Place this bad boy next
    to some flowing or lava source blocks and watch them go *POOF* right
    before your very eyes!

    *As seen in this mod screenshot (stolen via Google for visual purposes)

    But you're probably asking, "Oh handsome and wise Cyberazaz101! Where would I get one of these, "Lava Sponges?" Well I'm glad you asked! There would be two possible ways that I would suggest these be implemented! And they are the following... [EDIT: This is an either or]

    While I'm not saying this should be the penultimate crafting recipe, I feel this one is far
    superior to any of the other ones! It also gives you all little farmers out there another use for
    all that string and magma creams you've been hoarding! This would allow mass use of Lava sponges while being 100% renewable! [EDIT: But would be consumed on use]

    Look at this little guy! However, when he is one of those weird "Enraged Piglin Brute" he
    would have a chance to drop his very cherished item. That's right, a golden axe lava sponge!
    This would make Lava Sponges more rare in the world and be a more sought after treasure like their watery, squishy, very yellow counterparts. Now to "dry out" these sponges you would need to quench them in water! Simple as that!

    In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have on our hands a real game-changer here. Now, whether or not it's in the realm of possibility or just the land of make-believe who's to say? This is merely my own humble suggestion and a chance to just have some fun suggesting something!

    Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
    ConductorConduit and khixan like this.
  2. Seems a bit too OP and too easy to obtain. Plus, logistically, EMC can't create custom blocks w/ textures without forcing everyone to use a server resource pack.
    ConductorConduit and Bunjimon like this.
  3. Thanks waffle, I realized I made a big oopsie in my wording, the way I worded it it was very OP and I forgot one major part. I have fixed it accordingly. I was hoping it would be basically just an enchanted sponge not necessarily a new block. I just made it orange for nice visuals haha. I just didn't know if EMC could make "custom" effects on the blocks, which is the main thing I'm asking with this farfetched suggestion.
  4. You had wayyyy to much time to think about this one chief lol
    Cyberazaz101 likes this.