The other day, I needed to know how to make a spoiler work. Went through the entirety of the wiki, and found absolutely nothing relating to features such as spoilers other than how to add images. I was wondering what you guys think about possibly adding a wiki page for things like that? (Would be spoilers, videos, and code, unless you maybe combined images into one page? I don't know, I'm tired... just thought of it, thought I'd suggest it )
Spoilers don't work very well, btw. It can create extra empty spoilers or split up the content into multiple spoilers.
You're probably doing a ton of things like font, size, etc. on the back of it that make it screw up. E.g. [font=Arial][size=3][B][spoiler=Hai]Hai![/spoiler][/B][/size][/font] will come out as Hai! on occasion. Just don't use other formatting. Or if you do, use it INSIDE of the spoiler.