[Suggestion] Expand the Destroy Flag

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ThaKloned, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. So I was looking through the flag GUI for a specific flag and did not find one. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a sub-flag for destroy to allow certain blocks to be destroyed but not others.

    For example if you have a res with some public utilities on them and you wanted to add some snow golems to make a snow ball farm for people to use. Currently (unless I missed something) you would have to set the flag to destroy true for this to be allowed. This would also make every block on the res able to be destroyed.

    I suppose this could also work for cobblestone/stone generators as well.
    Vortixin likes this.
  2. I believe this has already been suggested. Not too sure on the decision though. I'll edit once I find.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  3. Not sure what player this was but last winter or maybe it was the winter before..lol I can't remember... But what they did was have the snow golem encased in furnaces at the edge of the property. So people could collect break the snow from the sidewalk while not being able to do damage to the golem or the res... I also believe the res was set to move f..

    Not sure if you wanted the same thing or what. Just thought I'd share an idea.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. Ya I have seen this idea used before. The only issue would be you are limited to placement. With the addition of this flag you could have it anywhere and make a new area for it.
    AncientTower likes this.
  5. This is a long time desired feature. Tricky to implement. I am very hopeful that it will be very easy for us to do after the 1.13 update
    Krysyy and ThaKloned like this.