My promo idea is an eggcelent wand sequel, but the only things it can egg are your standard Vanilla Minecraft hostile mobs (Zombies, Spiders, Skeletons, etc.). This can only be done in the Waste and Frontier worlds (aka, not in town). Limitations on where the eggs of hostile mobs can be released already exist, as they can not be spawned in town. The point of this would be for transport of hostile mobs, seeing as they are useful in some farms and even more so with the new update. Now, I'm aware this is going to create a bit of a thing, which is why I recommend some limitations. Any combination of the following come to mind: A fee for use. 50r, as is the eggcelent wand, or 100r, as is the standard fee A timer for use, similar to the Haunted Head or Pot of Gold promos. Somewhere between 24 hours or a whole week Not for sale in the Empire shop, but instead limited to one claim per player I don't want this to be OP or flood the market, but I would like the capability. Specifics for the item itself: It might be cool as an Easter or Halloween release Enchanted to be unbreakable and final Item itself is a stick, blaze rod, wooden tool, etc I welcome suggestions for the aesthetics/name/etc, because I'm not as creative as some of you lovely folk.
I mean, I'd take it if they did it. But I really don't see the point in it. It's not too hard to lure a mob into a farm if you need it. Plus would they just be unspawnable in town? Creepers in town could cause a real problem... sooo +0?