[Suggestion] (Denied) Game-flags/Resident-flags and options, settable VIA the web-site.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ISAWHIM, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. That is what I was talking about, being cryptic... programming-like...

    Add c or p in front of this command, type this after, then this, then this...

    To a programmer, that is simple... If it requires a whole nested set of wiki-pages and more "/help page-x", to "figure it out"... it is not simple, to a normal person. I program, and I find it confusing at times, but mostly annoying to deal with. To a linux user, and some programmer, who deal with command-line stuff, it's a blind walk in the park. Unfortunately, that is a small minority of people in the world. The majority finds GUI's more pleasing and simple, rightfully so. Which is why IRC is still not, and never was as acceptable as it could have been, until it got GUI stuff, and still, it is not that fun or popular to use. (With the exception of the actual GUI chats that actually use the old IRC as a behind-the-scenes protocol.)
  2. Computers don't use gibberish. Minecraft, for the most part, uses plain-text flat-file databases for most plugins, for ease of debugging and editing. Or they use database access, which is irrelevant to what is stored, as it is requested (from a parser), the output is 100% something you can use. Bits (flags), Bytes (masks), Numbers (Nth bits), or Strings (ASCII/RAW). Or just a specified format, when customized, like a BMP, JPG, or other "containers" of data.

    Again, the server already has access to this... It shows the residences, the owners of the residence, the availability of the residence and various other information in the live-map. (The API is already there. The "permissions" are already there.)

    Creating a new user is a similar method, via the log-in system. When linking your web account to the "Now join the game-server and play" component. (The authentication part.)

    Trust me, I have a great idea how large-scale data and programming works. Had many web-servers and made my own. I have programmed things for minecraft, made my own raw servers from raw sockets, and still do some of that. I have filled and read/scanned many TB of data, similar to the stuff that minecraft spews-out, related to topographical and astrological (astronomy/stars, not horoscopes/stars) and weather-related data, as well as raw scans of large chunks of the internet and millions of other "hidden" open ports from clusters of computers.

    But minecraft is not THAT complex. (As those other systems, but it is complex, by the original programmers bad code, which he confesses over and over again. He didn't intend for it to become fun for others, it was intended to be fun for him and his programming friends. Since it was originally stolen from a plethora of other sources of bad code, and just compounded hacks on hacks on hacks. Which is what almost all programming of complex systems is. Semi-organic, I call it. :p)

    At-least, even in rejection, I am "appeased" to get discussion... Even if it is, and will remain, rejected. Perhaps someone with the ability will come-up with something to offer here directly, or use it on another server.

    So, thank-you to all who replied, good or bad.
  3. How many EMC users would say "If we get a nice interface to manage residences, groups and flags on the website, I'll buy "Diamond Supporter" status for at least 6 months?"
  4. That's a steep demand, considering the game itself only costs $18.00 (Free if you spam ads for a few days in reddit or chans. I hate those guys. {The spammers, not reddit-ers or chan-ers.} xD)

    "It is easier to get $1.00 each, from a million poor people, then it is to get $1,000,000.00 from one of the few millionaires..." (Take that to the bank!) Quote By: Me

    Like I said before, it isn't about appeasing the users here now, who are accepting and happy with things they way they are now... it is about keeping the ones who left and appeasing those who have not come here yet, with certain expectations found at other places.

    (Not that I am saying we should not be appeased... Us current users, supporting the site in various ways. Either directly with money or by free labor in creations that are pleasing to hang around, or by voting to keep free advertisement with high rankings to be seen by new searchers for servers to join... or by simple word of mouth, to those with money to spend, to come join.)
  5. I'm just pointing out the obvious:
    - making a nice web interface and solving related technical difficulties is not cheap.
    (Hint: the server would be caching the flags and not querying the database on every "move", "use", "break" or "place", so it's not just "write flags to the database").

    - My impression is that there are quite some other X where the question "Would you support if X", if asked, would get much more positive responses.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. Just pointing out that the game costs 35 dollars not 18......
  7. $26.95 from the minecraft website... :p
    $18.00 when I got mine. Not sure when or where...

    Still... $100 for 6 months of anything... $200 a year... A web-interface for adjusting friends/visitors property-flags will not do that. Adding a free minecraft account, worth $26.95, along with the bonuses, might!

    Thread officially derailed... Suggestion made. If needed, for creative assistance, feel free to PM me, if something like this needs regurgitation. :D