Please take this into consideration Please do not lock this immediately What I suggest: Bring back "Copy of _____" feature for the books, but here is how it can work: You can only have 2 versions of the book. The original and "Copy of _____" You will never have "Copy of a Copy of..." This allows you to have an original version to keep as a special thing and give others a copy of it. Ability to clean the book of the "Copy" thing /clean or something like that. /wipe?? Allows people to make identical books if they are into that. With this, you get the best of both worlds.
This has already been suggested directly to Aikar in a pm and I believe he said no. I'll leave open for the community to discuss if they so feel the need, but this change will likely not occur. Edit: Why are 2015 posts being bumped? Locking as I've given plenty of time now.