Suggestion: Coloured Names in PVP

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by EquableHook, May 15, 2020.

  1. Hi Everyone.

    So this might be an easy feature or hard feature to have, but I was brainstorming about team events and I thought it would be cool to have the ability to 'choose' your team via colouring your own name in PVP.

    This is something that command blocks can be used for and it could definitely be a cool little cosmetic feature to add at PVP on the games server. Also, maybe with command blocks it might be possible to have 'friendly fire' turned off within your team.

    Obviously you could just say Player X Y Z are on this team and Player ABC are on that team, but this is just purely cosmetic and just adds a little flare to the game.

  2. This already exists on Games in the form of Groups. Some of the PvP games Simon created used groups to prevent friendly fire and control teams and such. This could still be accomplished, though would be much easier to do from the code side instead of using command blocks.

    One of the things I wish I could have done was helped recode Games from the ground up the way it was intended to be, instead of relying on Command Blocks, so that things like this would be way easier to do.
    EquableHook likes this.