[SUGGESTION] A way to put custom wearable items on armor stands (EG Aikar Hot Hat)

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by CraftyCosmic, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. So, there are many items that cannot be worn without using a right click in the inventory because of their custom nature, like the Aikar's Hot Hat or the Fish Bowl, and the fact that they're based on items that aren't normally wearable. I want to put these on armor stands because they look cool as heck, but that's currently not possible.
    The simplest solution is that if a player right clicks on an armor stand, while having permission to change what the stand is wearing, while also holding an item with the Wearable tag, the worn item (if any) is swapped with the wearable item. The intuitive mechanic that fits MC as is.

    The other option is for special armor stands that are given out as custom items, like remote shop signs, that when right clicked, regardless of what one is holding, brings up a UI that allows a player to equip the stand as if it were themselves. This would likely be a 1x9 inventory with a few spots blocked off, and would allow for special checks on various items in different slots. It could also open up the possibility for armor stands with arms to make an appearance in MC.
    Eulenax, 607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  2. I like the idea! I personally think the first suggestion would be just fine.
    Ethy202 likes this.