[STREAM EVENT] Sefl's 2024 Adventure Stream

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Sefl, Jul 27, 2024.

  1. 2024 Adventure Stream

    I have a big idea for an Event Residence so Hoping to get some Rupees for it!

    For Every 15,000r put onto Sefl's Account I will Stream 30 Minutes Surviving in the EMC Wastelands!
    (Max 168 Hours)

    EDIT: Cut the amount in half from 30k to 15k for amount needed to stream 30 Minutes!

    Stream Starts August 1st. I will Stream in intervals of 4+ Hours a Day once Started.

    16019 on smp8 Has Shulkers with signed books available for 10,000r Each.
    Each Book bought will downgrade my starting gear for the event.


    14437 Shop Sales count towards the goal as well!

    10% of Rupees Gained will be given away to 1 Person via /randomresplayer at the end of the event.

    The Event will be streamed on the following Twitch Account!
  2. i want to invest 300k but what time will it be
  3. It will be multiple days it appears. Day one will be at 7 PM though most likely!

    Currently at 18 Hours of Survival Time.
  4. mm i can infest but only on 2pm streams how will make shure my investedment will give me good returns
  5. Sunday will be an earlier portion of the stream :oops: But not until then...
  6. mm i will invest 300k but u need to show how u can make shure my investment counts
  7. This starts @ 7 PM Tonight!
  8. Raaynn likes this.
  9. Was saying 1 in an Infinity chance to make that pearl shot.. exaggeration on 1 in a million
  10. Looking for Ideas on what to do next in the series!
  11. we need somting pain so i was thinking hunted turtle so
    u have minimal armor and we hund you down but u have 10 minutes head start