Story for EMC from EMC

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by nltimv, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. Hi all :)

    So, it's been a while since this thing ended and I apologize for the delay, but here it finally is. This is a story that a few players from the EMC forums have written together. However, they had to meet a few rules. You can find the rules in this thread. Each participant was given the opportunity to write twice. The red text is the text the next writer got when writing the story. The blue words are the words I gave them to use.

    Enjoy the story!
    It was as dark as night outside, though it was only mid-afternoon. Samuel looked up at the sky to see the solar eclipse, and was surprised at how dark the Earth became. He continued working on his current hatchet, glancing over at the shop wall covered with 15 more.

    Samuel loved making hatchets as a blacksmith, though he made other things as well, such as swords. He also would often make parts for the town’s many different needs. Like just last week, the Hansons down the street had asked him to create a replacement part for their dining room table. It was probably the first and only time he would make a part like that, since the Hansons were the only people in town who lived in luxury, most other townsfolk lived day by day on their hard work.

    Though most the time he worked on his hatchets. They sold well, since one of the largest local businesses was a logging company, and a saw mill right next door. Although the main reason why he had to make so many hatchets and swords is because of the Midnight Robbers.
    This group of thieves come in the middle of the night like ghosts, and terrorize the town. They come out in the night and raid the town, taking anything that is perceived as useful for any job.

    The hatchets, axes, and saws are usually the first to go, followed by pencils and paper, and other items. One time they even took the seamstresses sewing kit, though she put up a fight. Samuel could hear it from the other side of town, at his blacksmith.

    Samuel looked up, realizing that usually this time of the day was one of the busier times, as people came to replace some of the items taken the night before. Yet there was nobody in the store, other than him. He got up, carrying the hatchet with him to the shop door, and walked outside. And that is when he saw them.

    Midnight Robbers were terrorizing the town, in the greatest numbers he had ever seen. Standing in the doorway of his blacksmith, Samuel realized that the solar eclipse must have let them come out early, and they were taking full advantage of this opportunity.

    The robbers had to avoid Samuel's perfect vision. They didn't and Samuel saw where they were going. The epic chase began. The robbers ran towards the harbor and tried to hop on one of the boats. Samuel caught one of the 5 robbers heading toward that boat. Samuel brought him to the police station. The officers revealed him to be nltimv. They used their special memory sucking machine to retrieve his memory. They got nothing useful. Samuel then wanted to go after them. Samuel hoped on a boat and started to look for them. He had no luck at first because it was St. Patrick's Day and he was not wearing green. He was on the boat for hours until, he found a big village. He thought this must be where the robbers are. He met the mayor, JDHallows who gave no information. He was bribed by their remaining robbers. Samuel got very angry at JD and challenged him to PvP. Samuel won and JD gave the information he had. Samuel than ran for 2 hours looking for the robbers. Sadly, he never found them. He then met trusty Shadow_Dcord, who promised to help him. They then hopped in the boat and went looking for the robbers.

    Samuel and Shadow came upon an old rusty gate after hoping off the boat and finding a pair of shoe prints that may belong to the robbers. Those prints led to an old castle.

    "How do we get in?", Samuel asked. Shadow looked at the gate and thought to himself, puzzled. Samuel walked around and noticed an odd bush, "Oh hey! A lever is behind this odd bush".

    "How convenient", said Shadow, "Almost as if it was put there to make this easier". The two then opened the gate and came into a long hall. A red carpet went to a throne and it sat a man with a mask on his face.

    "That's him!", Samuel yelled, "That's the robber!". The robber looked at them, he almost looked like whatever he had stolen had corrupted him. The corruption was obvious. "Give me my things back", the robber laughed from his golden throne of thievery.

    "It gives me so much power! Nothing can stop me", the robber yelled. He got of his throne, he was ready for a fight, but were Samuel and Shadow ready?

    Ready, the two were. Samuel and Shadow took up their fists ready to take on whatever the robber would throw at them. The robber sadly had a sword. "What shall you two do now!", the robber exclaimed in joy, "Nothing can stop me now!". Samuel and Shadow looked at each other. This was going to be an interesting fight...

    Story continues in next post...
    Shadow wasn’t surprised. Screaming at the top of his lungs, he yelled, “Charge! For Empire Minecraft!” Samuel was stunned. “Wait, what did you say?” “Nothing!” Shadow exclaimed, dodging the sword, whipping across the air. Samuel ran toward him and the fight began. Surprisingly, the robber was terrible with a sword, swinging like a cute toddler. Samuel slid across the floor, as the sword smashed near his head. “Dude, you are terrible with a sword!” Shadow yelled, grabbing the nearest object for protection. The robber only smiled. “Fine. Be that way.” He threw the sword across the room and reached into his jacket. He pulled out a deadly pistol, aiming for Samuel, who was trying to catch his breath. It happened so fast, Shadow couldn’t yell at him in time. Samuel took a hard it, right into the shoulder.

    “Gah!” He screamed, face-planted on the floor. Shadow took advantage of the robber’s triumph. He grabbed his wrist, controlling both the weapon and his arm, pulling the robber into an arm lock. “This is for SAMUEL!” Shadow’s voice echoed in the hallway, as he slammed his right knee into the robber’s chest. The pistol fell. Shadow grabbed his neck and punched him in the face. Jumping onto his stomach, he slammed his shoe onto his face, knocking out the robber. Shadow’s heart was racing. Placing the pistol in his belt, he dashed to his friend’s body. Shadow was relieved. Samuel was still alive. He tried to reach for Shadow’s shoulder. “I-can’t - get up…” Shadow grunted. “That evil robber! I’m sorry buddy, I tried to stop him, but I was too.. Too slow.” Shadow gave Samuel a hand, placing him against the wall, for support. Shadow began to hear a fountain, nearby. He quickly turned his head, scanning the surroundings for any more dangers. He took a look at Samuel and gasped. “Sam, you-you’re bleeding! A lot! And you almost died by the ‘guillotine!’ Oh.. no.. ” There was nothing more horrifying than pool of blood coming out of Shadow’s friend. “I need to help you! Let’s go to the drug store.” Samuel’s eyes widened. “Dru-Drug Store?” Shadow nodded. “First, we need to escape.”
    Escaping was the easy part, finding a drugstore was the hard part. Shadow looked at his radar. “Great. There’s no one that sells medications.” Shadow turned around. “How’s your arm buddy?” Samuel’s legs were dragging behind him. “Bad.. can barely walk. I feel like a dogtooth.” Shadow was confused. Samuel was really tired; he had no logic. Shadow was tired; he didn’t protect Sam; he was also starving; he almost broke his foot jumping off the building; he almost got caught by police; all of it was depleting his energy.

    It was night time. Shadow tried to patch up the blood for some time. Both of them were still wandering the streets, looking for a place to crash the night. However, Shadow caught something strange. Out of the corner of his eye, something flashed on the corner of the street. He quickly turned, but saw nothing. Shadow kept this to himself; he didn’t want his friend to panic. Shadow read many legends, but if this was true, he had to act now. Laughter echoed in Shadow’s ears, the creature was hunting them for sure. Sam and Shadow had to run. NOW. “Hey, Sam. We need to stop at the grocery corporation. We need some garlic.” Samuel barely had his eyes open. “What- now?” Shadow turned, “You will see.”

    Fry’s. Who would expect two teenagers to be buying garlic in the middle of the night? Even the cashier seemed abstract, the two of them piled the flavoring garlic on the belt. “Is this it boys?” She asked. “Yes, please. It will save our life.” The woman was really confused, but gave them their groceries in the end. Samuel and Shadow hobbled to the entrance, preparing to fend off the attack. “Sam, hold the legendary garlic.” Samuel turned his head. “Is this a joke? Are you planning on cooking?” Shadow laughed, “Nah. I’m just preparing for the strigoi to attack.” Samuel was in awe. “You mean that vampire-like creature? That’s a myth.” Shadow’s eyes stared at him, stating, “Some myths areee trueee.” With a girl-like scream, Samuel hobbled over to the door. Shadow screamed, “Wait! Samuel, come back! I was joking. There’s no..” Instantly, the door burst open.

    The tremor of fear ran through Shadow. In the middle of the supermarket door, the strigoi stared directly at the boys. Samuel tried to crawl back toward Shadow, shielding his face from the ugly strigoi. The two friends had no chance. Samuel was shot in the shoulder by a pistol; he couldn't fight. Even with the garlic, Shadow was hopeless. The two of them backed away slowly, as the strigoi closed in.

    As the strigoi came closer, the sun started to rise. Its ugly body disintegrated. Samuel was bleeding, if he did not get to a hospital soon, he would possibly die. Shadow gathered paper towels from the store, and some duck tape to make a bandage. It worked for now. Samuel picked up a rifle, and got ready to go. A witness saw the guy who shot Samuel run to the west. When they started to walk another phenomenal creature appeared. It was a red cap (a malevolent murderous drawf); he stared into shadow’s eyes and dashed towards him. Shadow screamed, and the red cap was on top of him. Samuel pulled the trigger of his break action rifle. The bullets hit the red cap right in the spine. It cracks the spine. Shadow was free from the red cap’s grasp. According to the witness the shooter had a Facebook account, and he found out the name. The shooter was of course, another midnight robber. He was not a he, he was a she! Samuel revealed that he could hack. Her name was Amy. Amy’s location was relatively close to the town they were in. All of a sudden, a gunshot was heard and a bullet entered Shadow’s chest. He fell to the ground and the blood was flowing out of him. Samuel didn’t know what to do.

    The scene was more graphic than Samuel ever expected. Blood was rushing everywhere, and it seemed it would never stop. Not knowing what else to do, Samuel dropped to his knees and tore part of his shirt off, and pressed it to the wound in Shadow's chest, and he began to yell "HELP! Somebody please help!"

    Suddenly, a Midnight Robber was standing nearby in the shadow of a tree. It watched Samuel trying to save Shadow. Samuel stared at the Midnight Robber, and it continued to watch Shadow die. Samuel had never seen a Midnight Robber so intrigued. Usually they just suddenly appear and disappear, taking stuff in between.

    Then the Midnight Robber did something Samuel never expected: he raised his hand and pointed straight at Shadow. Samuel looked down at Shadow, who stared back at him with sad eyes, since he knew it was the end.

    Then in an instant, white flashes of light, almost like those around an eel in water, ran from the hand of the Midnight Robber into Shadow's body. The force of the energy threw Samuel back from Shadow's body, who now laid lifeless. Samuel scrambled back over to Shadow's body to see what the Midnight Robber had done to it. As soon as he touched Shadow though, instantly Shadow's eyes opened, and he started gasping for air.

    He looked down at his chest and felt it. "It's not there." He said. "The bullet, it's gone! I don't even feel any pain!" He slowly sat up, leaning on Samuel. "Well then," he began, "I certainly am a daredevil, but this is a new standard, even for me!"

    Samuel laughed, glad to see Shadow ok. However, Samuel and Shadow, realizing that somebody nearby must have shot Shadow, leapt up and scrambled into a nearby building, but nobody had shot at them. Neither did Samuel see the Midnight Robber.

    "The shooter must have assumed you dead, and left." Samuel said.

    "Most likely, so I am looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he sees me." Shadow said with a grin. "By the way, how did you save me?"

    Samuel explained what happened to Shadow, expressing his own confusion as to why a Midnight Robber would save his life from a fatal gunshot wound. "Something big is happening here, and I think we need to go find this Amy to figure it out.”

    Story continues in next post...
    SkeleTin007 and Shadow_Dcord like this.
    "Hey, hey, ya you guys," an odd voice said near them, "I know about this Amy."

    "You do?" asked Samuel, the man nodded quickly. "Should we trust him?", Shadow looked at the man, he had holes in his clothes and a mop for hair.
    "I think we can, but I'd be iffy." Shadow said quietly, "So go on, where is Amy?"

    "She's at this town called Sector Map Part 8, SMP8 for short. She runs a shop there." the man said. Samuel gave him some rupees and set him on his way. They then headed for SMP8, avoiding an alligator, and stopping some crime on the way.

    "Well here we are, SMP8!" Shadow said. The town was full of people going around to shops. "I wonder which one Amy runs?" Shadow said curiously, then there was a scream at a shop close by. There were two masked men attacking a shop.

    "We got to stop them!" Samuel said, they quickly ran to the shop to help the lady from the crime she encountered. Shadow socked one of them in the face and Samuel knocked out the other. The lady was still frightened from the encounter with the men.

    "Oh, thank you for helping me," she said quietly, "Is there anything I could do to repay you?"

    "Noth-", Samuel was cut off by Shadow.

    "We're looking for a lady named Amy, know her?"

    "Oh, why I'm Amy", Amy said with excitement, "What do you need with me?"

    "We want to know what you know about The Midnight Robber," Samuel said twiddling his fingers in anticipation.

    "The Midnight Robber? Oh, you're talking about my husband," the tow gasped, "What did he do this time?"

    "He saved me from a gunshot wound."

    "He what!" she sounded quite surprised, "He promised that the only person he would ever protect was our son if he ever found him, then that must mean, you're him," She hugged Shadow tightly, "Welcome home."
  4. This is a very interesting forum game, and if you are hosting another one somethime in the future, I would definitely want to join in too! :p

    I don't have time to read the full story at the moment since it is quite long, but I'll read it this weekend somewhere ;). ( I hope I won't forget about it after posting here :oops:)
    Patr1cV and nltimv like this.
  5. Wow amazing. I love that twist. :) All of us working together to make this masterpiece. I am defentily joining next time
    nltimv and ChespinLover77 like this.
  6. I would like to thank everyone for not killing me off, very kind of you. I certainly couldn't stop laughing the whole time, that's for sure, maybe because you all kept putting me into these situatioms, but I did enjoy it! My favorite part was when I said "some myths areee trueee." Great work everyone!
    nltimv and FalloutHood55 like this.
  7. Not trying to be mean but I wanted to kill you off because you were to good, but I decided U should stay (Jk Jk :p never wanted to kill you off)
    nltimv and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  8. Strigoi was dedicated to you because you love mythical creatures :p
    nltimv and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  9. I have a feeling you learned that name for vampires from a dragon didn't you? Or do you just love vampires?
    nltimv likes this.
  10. No I just looked at your thread... ;)
    nltimv and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  11. Nicely done!
    nltimv likes this.
  12. Better than the one I started :p
    nltimv likes this.
  13. Small bump for the people who haven't read this yet :)

    Can't get enough of this story? We've written a story like this one in the past. You can read it here!
    Raaynn likes this.
  14. Nice to see this other one too! However as someone who grew up with the California Raisins, I am afraid he was not the first fruity musician (among others)

    nltimv likes this.
  15. Well, at least he's still the first banana to become a great musician ;)