
Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by RascalPlayz, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. XXXXX is stealing i log on i was at demonthunder res and then a guy called XXXX stole from some of the chest
  2. I would recommend you PM'ing a moderator about this and not posting a thread :)
  3. I'm sorry, what? X XXXX is stealing, you log on you were at demonthunder's res and and then a guy phoned X XXXX stole from some of a chest?
    Mindlegokid and Jake_bagby like this.
  4. you don't get a joke. And you are rude.
  5. No need to name call.
    Please re-word that phrase
  6. To far. The least you could have done is put "Sarcasm" in grey text.
  7. Woah woah woah, you brought it to far man.
  8. /lockthread
  9. Please be aware that we do not tolerate rudeness and name calling on the forums any more than we do in-game. Also, enjoy the tempban.
    dylan_frenette and Jake_bagby like this.
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