Hi everyone! Before they were discontinued, I was a huge fan of the "Something Fishy" events hosted by EMC staff. In case you don't know what that is, it's an event where everyone gets together at a pre-determined location to fish and sometimes build a fishing village, depending on where the event is held. It's really fun I am planning to restart Something Fishy as a player hosted event. Please let me know what you think of this in the poll and by posting below! I will update this thread with more posts if I decide to follow through with this idea, which I most likely will Thanks everyone for your support! -CarFryer
It's been decided I am going to restart Something Fishy as a player hosted event! The first event will be held in the wastelands sometime after the reset Thanks everyone! I appreciate your support!
I am in. Soon i will have much availability so if you need help.... especially love survival fishing events.
I forgot this thread existed for a while! Could everyone let me know what time would work best for them? It would help me a lot when planning these events. Thanks! - Car