So I found this stash of secrets...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olga, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Boy, now I want some Green Moderator Eggs and Ham.
    prof_genius and chickeneer like this.
  2. It has been confirmed: Maxarias is a feather, and Aikar is a Raw Chicken.

  3. JustinGuy says, "Because you see in Empire Minecraft, the server trolls you."
    *Flip the meaning*
    JustinGuy says, "Because you troll in Empire Minecraft, the server sees you."
    0_O Coincidence? I sink tot.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  4. Troll= kick= server sees you?
  5. Realllyy.jpg
    CreppaNinga235 likes this.
  6. Because you have them!