SMP8 The_Fairyman 16239 first steps 1,5/2

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by The_Fairyman, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. ...

    I dug some more holes for ressources..

    And because I got bored.. I walked for 30 Minutes. Build a Castel there. Spend some days building.. Forgot to build a bed.. and to make sceenshots and never found the place again.. That where I decided to build some more roads to future builds.

    Here is the next Dorite Road east..

    I found a City.. walled it.. build a Sand Castle.. I liked the view.. So that's where I cut of the Top of the Mountain and startet an other build.

    And an other right in front of the new castle. This took me a while..

    Kinda was looking for a flat surface..

    This is the Junktion Castle. but then.. There came a storm.. In RL.. and a power outage. After it took me a while to realise what happend..

    My first hole to Badrock had collapsed.. Constructions vanished..

    and appeared elsewhere..

    You got to make the best out of every situation right :) So I just kept building like a good little soldier :-D

    This is the town of Sandy Shades before it was connected. Far away, the mountain of Junktion Castle on the top left. To be continiued..