Kyzoy I know the feels. My whole shop is based on community selling and buying. There's no way I could come up with dc's of cobble,stone,all wood logs, nether blocks, dirt, sand, sandstone etc. by myself I'd need 48 hours a day to do it all lol. Sounds like that your "high" prices were more fair prices. It takes incentive to have someone go gather something and bring it to your mall. If you kept your buyers happy for being in stock all the time, and your sellers happy for being rewarded , you did great! Thanks for helping out!
tbh most of the people who say ____ economy is dead are noobs. i know of malls on every server that i use when i need them. the economy only seems to be dead when people wont buy ____noobs goods for the price he wants it to be. i had someone tell me that selling vault vouchers above 10k was a scam and that smp6 had a terrible economy because of things like that. i promptly blocked him from my res for his idiocy and about a week later he was crying to me to give him move perms. so i guess it wasnt that terrible
Hey, aren't "high" prices always fair? Sounds about right though, if you only sell items, players often will never have the funds available to shop at your mall. Most who attempt running a huge shop, before running a 'specialty' shop often lose focus and toss their hands up in frustration. I always cringe a little bit when I see players asking for many donations to help them build their mall. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing, but I always question it if they need help with a simple building, what will happen when they try to stock it. I usually tell them to specialize in one area that they have fun in game with. ie if they fight, sell mob drops... if they mine, sell ores/blocks, etc... Far more fun to stock and run a smaller shop, than to try to tackle a megamall on your own. The best 'mall' areas, are ones that act more of a 'hub' for the buying and selling, as compared to trying to simply make a profit. Cool to see your thoughts on it, and hope it helps those looking into running shop!
More often than not, its a newer player who just set up shop selling items that are not 'hot' sellers, expecting people to flood in to buy string at 25r each. I advise them to go around the smps to get a feel for what the market actually is. I always tell players, if they do not like prices somewhere, then go elsewhere or else its 'free in the wastelands'. When players tell me that selling is horrible, I ask how much they sell quartz for... whey they say they do not stock quartz, that it is too dangerous to gather, I remind them that they need to sell things that are in demand. Not the 'easy' things to get.
Thanks HighLancer54 for your thoughts! They are very true thoughts too. If you want to setup something to participate in the economy, you gotta love doing it, if you want the rupees and help people. Love the "free in the wastelands" advice. I love the process of buying/selling, so I just do anything people say they need a lot on smp8. Like recently I've heard people searching for cobwebs, now I got cobwebs. Perhaps specialty shops can help out even more by buying and selling and stocking it yourself. It wouldnt hurt to add a few more dc's to your displays and put a buy/sell sign on it (if you got the rupees). You have the stuff in your shop anyway, why not pay people to bring more of it to you? That way if you're gone for a few days, people can come by your shop and keep you relevant by selling you supplies to sell. You'll make few percentage points in profit while you're away and increase liquidity of the markets. Everyone wins. Plus you're a speciality shop, you should know the prices of mob drops for example extremely well. Well enough to say "Hey, I know the market, I know I can buy it for this, and people will buy it from me for a bit higher." So lets see more buy/sell signs !
Very well constructed forum. I am actually planning what I like to call the: "Secret Shop Project" but only 1-3 people know about it and the information will not be disclosed until the project is completed. Which it almost is
Thanks! I hope the thread helped you out some and hopefully make your shop essential to the community. Best of luck to you! Please spread the thread to others