Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by _Lord_L, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. We are in need of your help!

    Alright friends, in the near future, I am going to be building on , hopefully, a quad next to Datzmine's ship yard! Both he and I are running into some trouble in what to build...

    We have figured out a way for the transition between the ship yard and my quad (res #2625, #2419, #2626, and #2420)! We need some suggestions for the build!

    The transition will be a mountain side....

    Our only idea so far is:

    1. The leaf village from Naruto (miniaturized of course)
    Any ideas would include a few shops and arena for HIDE AND SEEK!

    Please comment with other and all ideas!

    (pictures of the transition will be uploaded when done)
    Mad and Datz
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