SMP 5 Community Plot!

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Brisingr34, May 12, 2013.

  1. accepted-rubber-stamp-vector-1002115.jpg
    Perms to come later, out of the house atm
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. I would love to do this! If only im not at my Exp farm :/
  3. Sorry you don't have perms yet, waiting to get ungrounded, will have Friday :)
  4. That's fine I haven't really been on :p
  5. I have written fake answers in gray text fo fun man. I am really applying with the real answers though.

    Whats your home server: SMP 1 EMC silly!
    How often will you come to the community res? I will come at least once a week. When I feel like it bro.
    What do you plan doing on it? I could use the res to plan buildings on other reses. Dirt Storage
    Will you respect the other members and the owner? Yes, I will respect them as I do my friends. Dirt Showers...

    How often do you play minecraft a day (Any server/singleplayer) I try to play EMC almost everyday and when I am on I play for around 2 hours to 3 if I don't have to do chores.
    If Minner hands you a potato, what do you do? I would...