show Elytra fly perms from the Air (in town)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by KatydidBuild, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. Could we add a border around residences in town where flying with an elytra is not allowed. This way you don't have the sudden and completely unexpected tumble to the ground while you are trying to learn to fly.
    It's just a Quality of Play improvement for Town. Ideally it would visible only while wearing an elytra... but if that's not possible, I would still like to see it done, but maybe in reverse. So, maybe green (or yellow) around res that do allow elytra flying, so that it would blend in a bit better with the streets or grass.
    Open to color coding this as simple as possible.
    SkeleTin007 and Klumpelil like this.
  2. Visible dynamic changes like this are very difficult to achieve, if at all possible.
    We don't currently have any coding similar.