[Shell fantasy vent] Waste reset delays? Developers? ya, right! I know the truth! :D

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, May 25, 2018.

  1. (warning: my fantasy is on a rampage right now so I suggest you don't take the following too serious but instead take it for what it is supposed to be: amusement).

    (with deep faked apologies to Kryssyy, Aikar and Chin. Could I please get a 10 second head start? :D )

    Oh dear....

    <all bets are off from this point>

    (somewhere on SMP2 (where else?))

    "Aikar, this is no good; I just got word that they won't back down. Virtual or not: if we kill 52738 virtual animals we'll be looking at 52739 complaints". "9?". "That new players seems to think endermites spawn in couples, I dunno...".

    The two figures sigh.. "What is it with this insane fascination for those virtual entities all of a sudden?", one voice said. <sigh> "ok, we got no choice, lets postpone the reset and see if we can come up with an Elite solution".

    "Wait, I have an IDEA!", Aikar suddenly says.. "no wait.. nvm, I already had that version from the getgo". "Could you PLEASE take this a little bit more serious?", Krysyy answered.

    "So it's all about the entities.. don't those activist knuckleheads realize that the only entities 'alive' are around the players themselves? This is so frustrating...". Aikar leans back in his chair, looks at Krysyy and suddenly points at her with a gleeful expression on his face: "I KNOW,, I know what we should do! ".

    <one day later>

    (while weaving the plot to this story and thinking about how ph33rsome Chin is I now would like to ask for a 20 second head start :D )

    "So let me get this right... all you want me to do is teleport all entities in the waste to a location of my choosing and then kill them?", RainbowChin asked. "no, no, no,no: don't EVER say that in public again: PROCESS them. YOU need to PROCESS them so whenever something goes wrong <makes a suggestive hand sign> we'll blame the process!", Aikar answered.

    "uhm... right... I get it.. .. I think" (thinks: <why did I take this job again?>)

    "Krysyy, 'process' them!", Aikar said while in the mean time Chin waved to the two admins and prepared to teleport away while suddenly remembering that "weird" silverfish he encountered: "Wait, Krysyy! The Silverfish!!", Chin yelled.

    "Wha?", Krysyy responded when all of a sudden a loud bang was heard and every mob in the "Chin pit" got spread out into the waste again.

    "Great, Chin broke it again!", Aikar snapped annoyed. "No I did NOT!!", Chin cried out. "Chin...", Krysyy starts: "it's obvious that you knew something that we did not. And relax!", <Krysyy slaps Chin supportively on the back>: "everyone is used to it by now anyway!". A soft grumbling can be heard in the back...

    <warning: severe bias from here on (as if this story wasn't twisted enough)> :p

    (Krysyy: could I maybe please now get a 30 seconds head start? :D )

    <another day passes>

    "Great, now the community is complaining about the delays. Krysyy, spawn in a golden pyramid, that should keep them happy!". "Happy how? They won't be able to break it, that would create even MORE complaining". "I know! We'll just blame smp2 for this. Yeah, I can see it now: too many residences, not enough players. Stuff happens". Krysyy sighed: "I don't think that will go down well.. it's nearing the weekend and when 'he' gets into a fit... one way or another, that could get ugly". Kryssy sighs.. "Besides, why would you ever....". "I KNOW!", Aikar interrupted: "Yeah, you're right of course but code is life and Minecraft is life leading us up to (life)^2. And as we all know the money is the root to all evil, ergo: (evil x evil) which leads up to: (life)^2 + (evil x evil)".

    Krysyy looked at Aikar, Aikar looked at Krysyy.. "and? then what", she asked when all of a sudden a loud noise erupted outside: "Guys, I got the solution!", Chin said excitingly: "Everyone loves Minecraft so we'll just blame the wither command block". After looking around and noticing that both Krysyy and Aikar have his attention Chin continues: "I have the perfect solution: We will teleport all entities below our outpost, then when a player reports lag we'll "look into this" and in order to protect the integrity of the server" "serverS", Krysyy interrupts. "Right, thank you: so, servers, we'll just nuke the whole thing from orbit to be sure (I saw this in a movie once) and we're done!".

    Suddenly a pineapple floats into the room. "Can't we just postpone one day, set difficulty to peaceful for the level and then reset tomorrow?", a voice said.

    "hmm", Kryssyy responded.

    And so.... they waited for a day (now; 25th of May), the animals despawned (pls no go into waste, it helps the reset get along!! *) and then we will have new goodies!

    And here we are... at a complete new waste. And I can tell you: it's even more awesome than it was before!! **

    Thanks for reading!

    ** Yah, I didn't want to make too big of a deal out of this but I discovered time travel, this is either the fabrication of my scientific fantasy ("fantastic") endeavors or a certain consummation of orange juice (for which I shall blame Tom :D ).

    * Could I now get a 5 minute head start maybe Kryssyy? :D

    And there you have it!

    I should find myself some shelter after this one ;)
  2. Entertaining read. Real delay was due to non-working teleports, but I like your reason instead =P
  3. So that means I get my 10 minutes head up start? :D

    (sorry, sorry,sorry) :)

    Thanks Krysyy!
  4. It's because of aliens, i'm a spaceman, so I should know