Share your noob moment(s)!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JDHallows, Jan 27, 2018.


Total noob?

Total noob 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Almost a total noob 3 vote(s) 15.0%
Kind of a total noob 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Just a noob 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Noob-ish 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Occasionally a noob 8 vote(s) 40.0%
Rarely a noob 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Never a noob! 1 vote(s) 5.0%
  1. I was talking with some other staff in staff chat earlier about some of our noob moments, so thought it would be fun to hear some of your noob moments! (And to share mine, of course ;))

    Anyways, here is mine to start us off:

    When I joined EMC, it was my first Minecraft server. I also had only bought Minecraft at most 3 weeks before I joined EMC, so I was a true noob in both Minecraft and EMC!

    However, both of my brothers had been playing Minecraft for months before I had bought it. They were actually the reason I bought it, was to hang out with them in the game. So, I went searching for a new server for us all to play on, mainly because up to this point they had played only on faction and pvp servers, which I wasn't interested in.

    Alas, I found EMC and joined, and had them join me to try it out. We set up our reses, went mining, the usual starting stuff. I joined EMC because we advertised being an Economy server, which I thought would be fun to do. Both of my brothers have played on 'economy' servers before though, and they knew exactly how to become millionaires on here within a few weeks. I was stoked, thinking we had money in the bag. So, I got to work setting up a shop on my res for us to sell stuff in, meanwhile they went to work on a farm on one of their reses to get stuff to sell.

    So, a few days later, they finished this giant cocoa bean farm! Excited with their farm, they ran it all day, and we ended up with around 3-4 DCs of cocoa beans.

    Note: The past economy servers they had played on had server shops where you could not only buy stuff, but also sell stuff back to the server. They did not realize that the EMC shop (which was still open at the time) did not allow people to sell stuff back to the server :p

    That was when we learned that earning rupees on EMC, would not be quite so simple, lol. It took a couple months to get rid of all those cocoa beans, and they tore down the cocoa bean farm the next week. We then started working on creating a more 'legit' means of making rupees. :D

    So, what was your noob moment(s)? Share below, I'm looking forward to hearing it!
  2. Hmmmmmm let's see....
    When I first started Minecraft, I was like "hey, I'm gonna build a giant Castle!" So work began.... I honestly didn't even know that mods existed, or servers... So it was all in a single player creative mode. It was 50 blocks tall, and 100 blocks on each side. Each level was 2 blocks tall, meaning that there was 25 levels.... Nice, big, cobble block with windows each 5 blocks apart (only single block windows). I worked on it for months and still never finished....
    Aaand, it never will be finished or modified because it no longer exists due to a huge mistake... I never backed up any of my 50+ worlds in the 3 years that I played exclusively on single player.... o.o
    Long story short, the computer broke and "bye bye" 3 years of building work... ;-;
    Moral of the story is, back up your single player worlds, and don't be discouraged when you totally fail at something... Just keep going! ^_^
    q1zx, AncientTower and JDHallows like this.
  3. So I was new to the multiplay servers when I joined EMC. Noobish moments, I came across a giant zombie and thought it's a zombie so it would be slow. I hit it with my fist and then kept dying until it just disappeared and i got my stuff back. Another time i was being chased by a player with a sword and made a /report about it. Little did I know that you couldn't be hurt let alone killed by another player with a sword.
    q1zx, JDHallows and MoreMoople like this.
  4. played minecraft for about a year until I realized that multiplayer was free and as easy as pasting an IP, lol.
  5. Back when I started, I thought beacons ran on redstone.
  6. Thought you could light coal ore on fire and it would have the same properties as netherack
  7. -Trying to use rails as ladders (why won't these place?)
    -Trying to make an aquarium with silverfish (why do they keep dying, they're fish!) :p
    -Saying my Minecraft is glitched when in reality I can't pick up blocks because my inventory's full
    -Making OP Armor in creative and adding every enchantment to everything (A helmet with 50 different enchants was OPPPPPP)
    -Trying to blow up obsidian (a friend said 256 TNT blows up obsidian, so we'd like build around it for hours...)

    BUT THE MOST HILARIOUS THING - So I was on Minecraft Pocket Edition, on an iPad, and I had just figured out how to make invert colors. And a friend and I thought it would be fun to use it in Minecraft, so we tried it. And the creepers were pink, and we were like, "WOAH - GIRL CREEPERS!!!" And so we tried to screenshot it for the lolz, and then we'd turn off invert colors, and we couldn't figure out why the photo had regular creepers instead of "girl creepers". And we took like 10 screenshots to try and get it to work until we just gave up. :D

    Great thread idea by the way... Looking forward to seeing other responses.
  8. Got some good noob moments so far, giving this a bump to see if we can't get some more ;)
    q1zx, AncientTower and MoreMoople like this.
  9. I do know that I recently took on an end city with only voters gear. Once I got hit by a shulker bullet, I flew up from my little hiding spot, proceding to get pummeled by shulker bullets, dying shortly after. I was a ways into the end (about 7k blocks from 0 0 on both x and z), but then a friendly EMC member helped me get my stuff (shield, enchanted sword, elytra) back, and he got me hooked up with some god armor! The expedition to get my stuff back was a positive for both of us, as we got our used r back in shulker boxes!
  10. Ha! idk... Ive been here a year and a half... same amount of time Ive played mc... and I still feel like a nube everyday... so much I havent even done yet. I keep doing new things for the first time on a regular basis.

    Doesnt help that I am probably twice as old as many here. :(

    So one off the top of my head. The fact my 12 year old daughter can parkour better then me... still...
  11. Just an fyi, taking a shulker box full of beds in your enderchest is best when adventuring through the end in search of end cities. I also take a dozen or so ender chests as well. I just leave the bed and ender chest at each end city I go to so if i die my starting point isn't to far.
    haastregt, q1zx, JDHallows and 2 others like this.
  12. Running in a mine tunnel and then basically falling into a one by one pit of lava
    EquableHook, q1zx, Raaynn and 2 others like this.
  13. When I first joined... well, I was entirely new to Minecraft in general, much like you, JD.

    So when I first joined (thanks to a dear friend of mine who introduced me to EMC when I showed an interest in Multiplayer) it took a while but I eventually got comfortable mining/adventuring, I did't know what a Blizz Ard was, nor why "You sense a cold presence..." So as I was coming up from various different mining sessions, I was getting that, and at the time, I always seemed to come out during the night and an enderman was near by, didn't know what a chunk was either so I automatically assumed "Oh hey, this cold presence message must be for Endermen!"

    ... :rolleyes:

    Once I learned that wasn't the case and had encountered a Blizz Ard, I started thinking Blizz Ard = Marlix, too, because everytime I was in search of one, others were nearby and talking about a "Marlix". Why I reasoned that that time, I have no idea, other than local chat... but hey. I learned eventually, hehe. I'm not terribly fond of Marlix now though! Hehe.

    Think those two things were my noobiest moments... But time to time, I still have nooby moments from minor things I didn't know :p
    q1zx, MoreMoople and JDHallows like this.
  14. Hi ha ha ha... Just reminded me when I did that... Exploring with my daughter. Stupid thing I couldn't get out of the pit..
    JDHallows, q1zx and MoreMoople like this.
  15. there is so much to say... there's a -scarce- few :

    trying for several minutes with temper mounting to tame an ocelot with my stack of cooked fishes...

    building a machine that was at least 40 high, and realising when I finally put the last stone at the top that I didn't build a way down. Nor brought water with me.

    Jumping from a veeeery high cliff and trying to activate my elytrae. That were looking back at me from my left hand...

    same thing for nether, lava, and a fire resist potion that was... with several others... in a shulker box in my backpack...

    Digging down to get to that super turkey, thinking this can only happen to others, and woooosh... ravine... with about everything you can expect to go bad actually going bad : the ravine was partially filled with lava, but I fell just on the brink of it, breaking several ankles, then being shot from the two skeletons that were protecting that damn bird, I mean shot BACK... into the lava... that was only 1 deep so I scrambled frantically out of it , remaining hearts vanishing fast, burning and trying to avoid arrows and find my water bucket, and then a creeper came along to join the merry dance. And blew the skeletons... I got out of this with half a heart. That turkey got properly sliced that night...
    q1zx, JohnKid, JDHallows and 2 others like this.
  16. When i first started playing, i mentally classified mobs into one of two categories:

    1: edible
    2: hostile

    I spent a few days being deathly afraid of squids. In my defense, they've got big, scary mouths.