Hey guys I'm gonna be starting a new thing... called EMC Cares. I'm gonna look for players that are being kind and helpful... or are going through something really hard and, then i will start a donation box for them in my res. Right now i noticed that Dead_on_Justice is going to be having Head surgery and wont be on for a while.... the box is set up on my res for him... please stop by and donated something(NO DIRT...this is for a good cause)... Lets get the donations going (Please have your trust in me I will not steal any donations to someone)
I am doing something very similar to this right now. I can't donate since I am focusing all of my rupees towards my competition but maybe we can partner up. If you want to see the thread it is on the homepage.
I'd donate but I'm homeless (resless) cant charge my pc and I don't have wood =\ But if I hav excess unneededs ill prob donate
this is for a good cause *** If u believe someone is deserving of this, just post who and why *** I will also be collecting rupees for Death_on_Justice but i wont ask for any until the day he gets his gifts... if u want to write a book saying how much u will donate and then toss it in the hopper at my res