I am selling wood in bulk.. SERIVCE IS NOT AVIALABLE TILL NEXT WEEK. Im going to a vactaion. Here are the prices.. Per stack of wood 70r Avilable wood types : Birch, Oak , Jungle , if you need spruce.. this will be added soon. If you buy 10 stacks.. its 65per stack and if you buy 20 stacks its 60 maximum is a single chest. Per stack of cobblestone 20r If you buy a single chest its 15r per stack. Minimum order : One stack Free Delivery ( Set a chest with a access sign so i can open it ) Order will be prepeared within maximum a week. Remeber , im not a machine so i can handle only 2 orders at a time. Thanks for buying!
Sure, let me know you'r server name and place a chest with a ACCESS sign for me in you'r chest. I cant provide spruce. I will give you 9 stacks of birch 9 of jungle and 9 of oak. That will be 1485 rupees. It may be ready today.. but its not sure.
I actually meant a SC of Oak, a SC of pine, a SC of Jungle and a SC of birch. But im willing to buy it from you anyway. I made payment for the 9st birch/ 9st jungle / 9st oak. Deliverychest is on smp4, #9001. Thanks in advance.
I can provide 9 stacks of oak , 9 stacks of birch , and 9 of spruce. You can order 9 more next week . But.. as i wrote , service will not be avilable this week and half of the next week. You can reply later and i will provide it.
Ok, so I saw this forum and I would like to purchase : I would like to buy 10 SCs of Cobble So.... Thats 405 x 10 = 4,050 thx