Selling some promos/loot

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Justiceinacan, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone.

    For a while I've kinda had these promos sitting here meaning to sell them but not actually selling them. You know how it goes.

    List of said promos

    2x Liberty Sword - U5, L3, FA3, S3 (Independence Day 2016)
    1x Freedom Blade - S3, FA5, L4, U5 (Independence Day 2014) Being offered on
    1x Mineral Mincer - E8, U5, F3 (100k promo)
    1x Cupid Bow - U3
    1x Meteor Bow - U5
    1x Empire Firework - Independence Day 2015
    1x Independence Day Firework - Independence Day 2014

    I am Loot!

    2x Stable Voucher
    1x Marlix Chestplate - P5, U5
    1x Momentus Toothpick - S6, L4, U5
    1x Marlix Bow - U5, P4, Punch 3, F3

    If you're interested in buying we can talk and sort out some offers. I'll accept forum PM's only since as you could likely guess I dunno how often I'm gonna be on in the next few days.
  2. I'm interested in some of these, I will send a msg shortly.