Hey EMC! So today I bring you a residence that I am selling...residence 6002. It is owned by my somewhat alt account moranwill. For the sake of selling this it is right next to the town spawn so it is not diagonal to town spawn which makes it worth a lot more. I am looking for at least 30k, it is worth at least that. Please comment below if you are interested and I will start a pm with all people who are interested and you can sort of bid in the pm I am also willing to trade if the items are worth a lot.
well that's smp 9, the one with the huge pyramids everywhere. Smp 3... well it's not really 'thrilling' Anyways, I won't be posting here anymore (unless I get quoted again). Hope this works out for you potato!
Flamingpotato is right, even though its on smp1, the populations on servers keep on changing and it is a spawn res so its pretty expensive. I would like to have it but got like 0 cash but cool trade XD
I see what your guys's points are but this is still a spawn residence...plus you can live literally right next to quarterstop