[SELLING] Shulker Shells for 2.5k

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Bunjimon, Jan 1, 2017.


How much do you think shulker shells are worth

0-1k 2 vote(s) 28.6%
1-2k 2 vote(s) 28.6%
2-3k 2 vote(s) 28.6%
3-4k 1 vote(s) 14.3%
4-5k 0 vote(s) 0.0%
5k or greater 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Selling shulker shells for 2.5k a piece at /v 10178
    Get em while supplies last, only 64 shells available!
    Also, if you are interesting in buy elytra wings or dragon heads, PM me on the forums
    crafter31211 likes this.
  2. Please save me back 4 shells I'll pay when I'm on... Thank!
  3. will do, if the shop is out of stock, pm me on the forums once youve paid and i will mail them to you
  4. I bought them just now thanks!