[Selling] Selection of Krysyy Heads

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Valkadyn_, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Will send it out when I get home. Thank you!
  2. Hey I'm at a church camp and I won't be on until tomorrow night, that still ok?
  3. That is fine. However, if someone does offer more for it, I'm sorry to say I will take it :p have fun!
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  4. Understandable, see you tomorrow then
  5. Just payed :)
  6. I will send it over in a bit
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  7. Received! Thanks!
    Nighthawk3846 likes this.
  8. My pleasure.

    One more head left, Krysyy PvP head!
    Wither_Addict likes this.