{Selling} Random gear I win from mob arena.

Discussion in 'Selling' started by OhMiku, Apr 20, 2017.

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  1. So when I win mob arena I usually go home with some stuff that isn't particularly useful to me, so I've decided to sell it all. I'm selling random bits of gear (some enchanted, some not, different materials armour + weapons) all for 100r a piece!

    Some of this equipment is very worth it for 100r! Restocked every time I win mob arena.
    Also 19146
    Please buy this it's clogging up vault space.
  2. Is this just located at your first res.... or?
  3. Yeet, I'll add that to op =P
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. yacht
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. Bumping this.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Bump, threw some stuff in there from an end expedition.
  7. Restocked.
  8. I will take any and all pickaxes shovels and axes you get how much?
  9. All the pickaxes, axes and shovels are in the first DC, just pop by and buy them =P
  10. Bump, added a few mid enchant diamond tools.
  11. Bump, won mob arena, plenty of diamond armour, some enchanted!
  12. Final bump for end adventure stuff and requesting close.

    New thread found here
  13. Closed per OP request.
    Rundercaster likes this.
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