[Selling (for free)] December only(!) - Subzone creation!

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ShelLuser, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Hi gang!

    So let's get one thing out of the way: subzones are awesome :cool: No, they really are, this isn't merely an opinion but if you stop to think about what you could do with them then trust me: they're awesome.

    Also see this guide on subzones: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-un-official-subzone-guide.74865/


    Subzones aren't for everyone. That's nothing negative about you, but more so about the complexity of the whole thing. Nothing to be ashamed off!


    Hire me, for free! :D

    During the 2017 holiday season you can hire me, for free, to help you set up your subzones. I won't only set 'm up for you but if you'd like I'll also show you what I'm doing, why I'm doing what I do and why you should do it too :p (it rhymes, but still almost gives me a headache :D)

    Your personal subzone teacher for free!

    Here's what previous customers are saying:
    (there honestly was(!) a skeleton here)

    Here's how to order!