[Selling] Eviltoade Head

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Valkadyn_, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. This is a real Eviltoade head, and I am looking for pure rupees only. I can negotiate but the price I am looking for is 1,500,000r. If you are interested in working out a deal, please PM me on the forums or in game.

  2. There are a ton of his heads out there.. . Where do you get the 2 mill logic from?
  3. I asked Toade himself and also asked around many people and got a lot of 2-2.5mils\
    Dropped the price down to 1.5

    I also said the price was negotiable
  4. The owner of the head will always mark up the value. Then there is the fact as I said a ton out there as is. Did you ask people if they sold for that much or just a random price. It's easy to slap a price on something but hard when it's never been that costly... I would like to see 2 heads sold before I can say it's worth 1.5 mill...
  5. Yes, I get that, but I think we can all trust Toade himself giving me a ballpark of how much it's worth. I have already lowered the price, I don't know what more you want me to do. I ask experienced item-pricers how much they sell for, as I have never owned one of these heads and don't know how much they sell for. Multiple heads have sold for 1.5mil+ in the past, including in auctions where they go for over 2mil.. I will not be lowering the price any more.
  6. As a head owner of his... I paid 20k a few months ago for it... not 2.5 mill!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. I'm sure you did, but the thing is, I have gotten multiple offers from users for promos worth more than 1mil+, and I have not said it was 2.5mil nor have I asked for it, I asked for 2mil originally then dropped the price to 1.5mil. Besides, this is not your head you're trying to sell. Thank you for trying to let me know it is apparently overpriced, but it is my decision of what to do with it.
  8. Just to clarify, there are around 30 of my heads out there - which I wouldn't call a ton ;p
    Fexu and Nighthawk3846 like this.
  9. I'd love to know who you bought it from :)
    mjnoe70, Fexu and Nighthawk3846 like this.
  10. Toade head is worth about 1mil-1.5mil. This is correct.
    Nighthawk3846 likes this.
  11. Toade's head, regardless of how many there are, don't circulate much. Which means demand is high, and supply is very low. He is a great member of staff, and very friendly and well-revered, so his head is highly sought after. If you bought one for 20-25k, then either it was a deal cut because you knew the person, or someone was very unaware of the value of the head. They do, in fact, sell for every bit of 2 mil when they do changes hands.
  12. Yes there may be a few out there but the majority of heads out there people aren't going to sell. That is like saying "oh there is 10 Anonreturns heads out there" but we have all agreeded in a pm that we are never ever allowed to sell them, making the price higher.

    Edit: That price is correct :)
    Nighthawk3846 likes this.
  13. ...and I don't have one! <stomps foot> ...time to start selling stuff, need about 2 million rupees, ho humm
    Nighthawk3846 and WardleDeBoss like this.