[ SELLING ] Enchanted Tools business!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Hoi, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Again, people's not peopels

    And I hate 2 people fighting :rolleyes:
  2. Creppa you hitted my Ignore List i wont respond to you at the forum
  3. I'll take the PICK
    Unb III Eff V Fortune III- 5k
  4. i would like to join this "business"
  5. I will take: 2x Unbr III, Eff (any), Fortune 3
  6. I have to pause all the ordering as of now, Gob and I will be starting this " service " called : GP Services.

    We have to finish our shop first, then continue the enchanting business. Yes dylan you can help out with us, I will PM you details later. :)
  7. Im not copying, Gobstone308 and I have our own " service " now. GP services.

    We will be having the following services :
    GP shop
    GP Enchanting Service
    GP Grinder building Service
    GP Mechanics service.
  8. Dude seriously, im not trying to copy you. And even if i was, it would be kinda complimenting you, and maybe I look up to you. Ever think about that huh?
  9. Will I still get the stuff I ordered?
  10. Yes.
    I'll be making another thread later tomorrow though.
  11. Grammar Nazi Says "Guys" "Please" "You" "Are"
  12. OK; PM me when the stuff is available to pay/collect. I might not notice replies here, so msg me. Thx.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  13. And why the strange capitals? Here, have a free full-stop too.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  14. You don't realize that I did that intentionlly right?
  15. A mod can close this thread. I started a new one. :)
    Biscuitboy5396 likes this.
  16. I was actually making fun of the whole "that was my idea first" thing. Maybe I should have kicked the silliness up a notch to make it obvious.
  17. This enchanting business thing is done. Not gonna do it, seems that to many people are hating on me. I just do t want to deal with pressure and arguing.
  18. Update your list. You have unreasonable, like infinty is mpore expensive then pairing it with other enchants, and same with power II to III.
  19. Pig, link to new thread?
    sneeker134 likes this.