[SELLING] Cupids Bow (2018 Valentine Edition)

Discussion in 'Selling' started by __Devil_, Feb 22, 2018.

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  1. It is! You should seriously consider it! Stuffing Scoopers are not coming back to EMC, there's only a few thousand in existence!
    _Devuu__ likes this.
  2. 1r xD
    _Devuu__ likes this.
  3. It is an offer. xD Albeit a joke one, but still a valid offer. So up it goes! :p
  4. I would do #6, wanna tell me how someone even gets 3 mil besides promo stuff
  5. Being very smart with their money and doing a good job in the emc market I guess. xD Also Bump! Any offers that were made and then changed to make a counter offer will be shown as changed and when they were changed above!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. I'd pay 1.9mil and an orange krysyy head for it.
    _Devuu__ likes this.
  7. Added to the list :p
  8. Ill offer 5 million rupees cash.
    FadedMartian and _Devuu__ like this.
  9. Added to the list! :)
  10. From the guidelines:
    This section should be used to post threads pertaining to the OP looking to SELL specific items. This is NOT an auction thread and no such auction style purchasing should occur here.

    You allowing players to publicly overbid another player is auction style. Keep it in PM's please.
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