[Selling] Cheap, Cheap Iron!

Discussion in 'Selling' started by fadedmartian, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. Not Selling Iron Blocks for CHEAP!!
    740r per stack
    (That's about 11.57r /block!-- CHEAP!)
    0 DCs in stock

    /v +iron
    on SMP8
    MatthewDA likes this.
  2. Bump! Cheapest bulk iron blocks around!
  3. Hmm emmm... Hoooo sooo wellll let me think about this emmm

    Sure I'll buy a dc Ill send payment on Saturday
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. Open to all trades!
  5. I'll buy a DC for 40k, ill send payment now :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Access set up on 16270 Bay 3 Chest F! Nice doing business! :)
  7. can I get two dcs?
  8. Yeah! Once you get the chance to pay 80k, I will set up access! :)