(selling) a lot of items sticky pistons, rails, slabs, emeralds and more

Discussion in 'Selling' started by datheOne, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Sticky pistons- each 22
    (2 stack and 47)

    powered rails 20-each
    3 stacks and 15 rails

    dispenser 30-each

    8 sand 10- each
    (4 stacks)

    4 glass 20- each or 1 glass 5 each
    (four stacks and 25 glass)

    emerald- 12 each

    16 concrete power- 24 each
    2 stack of red, yellow, pink and magenta

    16 cobble slab - 8 each
    (6 stacks)

    1 wood fence- 3 each

    respiration 3 500 r

    stone slap- 1 each
    two stacks and 51 stone slaps

    glass plane- 2 each
    (1 stack, 15)

    2 rails - 3 r
    2 stacks and 14 rails

    detector rails - 30 each
    (2 stacks and 31 detector rails)

    sweeping edge- free

    33 ladders for 32 r

    27 trap door for 8 r