[Selling] 2 Elytra (unenchanted)

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ChrysosHypno, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. Read the "rules & regs" so I hope I'm doing this right.
    Seems you have to be a lawyer nowadays just to make simple transactions in online games these days.

    Selling these Elytra as a pair.

    Bargain basement price of 69.5k for the pair.

    2 Elytra = 69.5k ruppees

    I spent many days getting lost in The End (even found The End of The End in The End, ran into a barrier force-field thingy) to get these two beautiful Elytra, so please keep that in mind when deciding to spend your hard-earned money.

    Contact me on this thread, or hit me up on smp9 when I'm online. I'm usually online between 12pm - 8 pm.

    Don't be shy :)
    Drop me a line.