[SALE OFFER] 135 Speed Horse!

Discussion in 'Selling' started by CoffeeAffinity, Jan 3, 2018.

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  1. Greetings fellow EMCers! I will be selling a 135 Speed Horse, however due to the most recent sale of a horse similar to this being a long time ago (several years ago), I would like to see what the community thinks should be the price for future reference.

    Here's the full stats of the Horse: Color: White none (cause what else), Speed: 135.28, Jump: 70.53, Hp: 21.95

    Feel free to post your offers here, but if you want to remain anonymous you can PM me or find me online to send your offer!
    RainbowPony and AncientTower like this.
  2. I think it's around 1r, maybe 2r. I'll- I WILL BE SO GENEROUS to give you THREE. THREE RUPEES. If you just mail it to me, I'll pay that to you. Can't cover mailing costs, sorry. :p

    I will cover mailing costs! :D

    Okay, in all seriousness, I would try to see if anyone else has a 135 horse. Depending on how rare these are, well, it changes their worth. I'd say it's definitely worth a lot. And that's kind of a dumb and obvious statement, but it's contributing.
    neonkillah likes this.
  3. I'll just say, I have sold at least 1 135 Speed in the past, but because it was a very long time ago and the horse market has experienced alot of change in recent years I wanted to see if the pricings for 135 speeds may have changed.

    Sometimes the obvious things that are stated are just the right answer. Many of the top breeders who had plenty of 135s at their disposal have gone inactive, not to say that even when they were active 135s were not in hot demand. Which basically means there is a pretty limited stock. But even with this case, the demand for 135s has likely shifted, and perhaps not a bunch of players are interested in buying a horse like this, or maybe the demand has only grown since that time.

    The demand is what I'm trying to figure out now, and I'll hopefully find a conclusion to end by. I appreciate the discussion!
  4. i'd offer 100k without any competing offers. Were an auction to be going on, I'd probably raise my stakes up to 150. I don't have much need for a horse of this speed, I just like having fancy things.
    Gordan_the_Gourd likes this.
  5. Lol, guess its a too bad that we have a offer war going down, its sitting at 560k at this time so... xD yeah sorry bout that!
    neonkillah likes this.
  6. lmao that's nuts.
  7. With it's rarity and speed, it would probably sit in the used incitatus price range of 500-750k
  8. And your probably right, but at least for now id say 500-600k. Though bear in mind this is what I would treat it like if it were a standard color.
  9. What stats does this 135 have?
    and color
  10. Lol, check the post again.
  11. And the Offer War has escalated further! Received a 1mil offer!
  12. This should go into an official auction thread
    CliffCraft likes this.
  13. At the rate this is going at, I will end this sometime soon before it really gets out of control.
    CliffCraft likes this.
  14. I thought this was to see what players would offer for a 135 speed horse egg not an actual auction.
  15. Agreed.

    I have closed this as it HAS become an auction, just with hidden bidders and no end date.

    The best way to find a price is to put it up for auction and see what comes of it. You now have an indication so I would put a starting bid of 500k at least and see where it goes. You could also start a new selling thread and ask for a specific price.
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