Discussion in 'Reverse Auction Archive' started by vSinister, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. Item: 1 DC of obsidian
    Starting Bid: 68k
    Minimum Bid Decrease: 100r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid
    Expected Delivery Time: 48 hours after auction concluded.
  2. opps :/ I meant to put Obsidian in the description I commented this just to avoid confusion until it gets changed sorry if you are viewing this and sorry to the staff.
  3. Corrected to obsidian. Auction may continue :)
  4. I'm thinking unless someones about to quite this game forever. There is no-one that'll sell obsidian for such a low price. A dc of this normally runs 170,000 rupees if you can buy in bulk from a shop. In an auction it goes much higher. I'd recommend staring out at 200k and see where that lands you. Warning: this post is not a bid. Those numbers mean diddlysquat.
  5. I have bought 2 dcs for 68k so far
  6. Really? Wow! who from I might start buying from them when I have enough rupees.
  7. I just buy it at my res and people sell it to me. The most I have been sold at once is 8 stacks by YaniiMarie. but alot of people sell me small amounts mostly (less than 4 stacks)
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