[Recruiting] Poatotato Land [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Smooshed_Potato, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Bump bump bump!
  2. You know what? I realized that I don’t even look at the information that you fill out... oh well
  3. Bump! I also want to thank ShelLuser for their donation of 10k to the outpost! It will be used for other utilities and transportation such as the nether rail and the farms. Thank you ShelLuser
  4. Join! We have cake! Bump
  5. Bum... you know what? That isn’t creative enough. So instead I shall say.... Potatotato Shatotato Platocato Blatonato Boom Boom Kazzam :D
  6. Don’t wanna sound desperate or something... BUT PLEASE Bumpin JOIN! :D
  7. :rolleyes: I was thinking... I know, I know... dangerous.... but the next member to join gets to join my outpost!
  8. Wow... I was just reading my bumps and I sound weird.