Ok, so recently i have been feeling more generous, so i've been deciding to do random drop parties. All drop parties will be done at town spawn unless stated otherwise. The way you know i will be doing one is because i will say," JC you done goofed up." When i say this i will wait at town spawn till enough people come, so please don't shout, "start," or "begin already," or something around those lines. Items being dropped: -Emeralds -Gold -Diamonds -enchant book(s) -ores(random) -spawn eggs -random utilities(TnT and such) And -ONE GOD ITEM, or good enchant item(always diamond) EDIT: 1st person to comment gets 1K, 10th gets 2.5K, and 100th(if i get that many posts) gets 5K
they will be on random SMPs, just make sure you pay attention to when i say the message alerting anyone in town to come to spawn!
Oooh, just read your avatar Qwerty, I really like it. I don't understand why all these guys are into these girly ponies. Oh. Wait. Now I do . . .
are you going to come to all of the servers and say that or just the server that you are going to hold the drop party in?