[Price Check] Netherhound Egg

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Bankzzzy, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. was wondering how much a nether hound egg would go for thanks
  2. A search for Netherhound Egg brings up a lot of links where people asked for pricing on them along a lot of other similar items like Promos. This one lists it at 125k. Auctions are often all over the place, but I auctioned one off in January for a little over 200k.
  3. Last time I checked, they sold for about 95k, but you could probably get one for anywhere from 85k-110k if you're good at bargaining.
  4. Seen a few sold for 150-200k recently.

    Also if it's a pre 1.9 egg. It's worth more.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  5. Older thread I know but was looking something up. I was the one that bought it. I had to have it as I was the Hound for Hire. People had me come out to clear hounds when there was that bug and they didn't despawn. At 1 point I took out over 120 some and took me a long time. I became know as the Hound Hunter and had to have an egg after that. Yes I over paid and I didn't care.
    Pab10S likes this.
  6. Yes the ones without lore are worth more (pre 1.9)